Frequently Asked Questions

This FAQ section has been taken from a few websites that were quite helpful with their questions and answers for current and prospective students - in particular - which had the unreleased FAQ questions from the university itself.

The Below list is a compilation of all of these resources however many notes and edits have been added to keep the information current.

FAQ - Before Applying / How to get Accepted

# Question Answer Notes

I've decided to apply, now where do I begin?

First, you need to consider your eligibility for acceptance. Read through the requirements for applying students, go through and see if you have the required documents. If you think you are eligible, begin preparing your required documents. The required documents can be found on the university website.

After organising your documents, you can begin your application on-line.

Documents can now only be submitted electronically

When should I apply?

You may submit your application at any time during the year. However, the university has a limited amount of slots allocated for each country, and if these slots are filled before the end of the year, all excess applications will be considered for the next year. This usually takes place around January each year.

The interview office is open throughout the year, except at public holiday times, such as the last 10 days of Ramadan and 10 days after Eid-ul-Fitr, and 10 days at Hajj time.

Students are recommended to contact the university if in doubt. Note that the weekend in Saudi Arabia is Friday and Saturday, so the university is closed on both days throughout the year. Also note that the university is normally open in the morning from around 8am until around 1pm.


Do I need to apply from Saudi Arabia in-person?

You can apply on-line or in person, however for those who take the effort to come to Saudi Arabia to take the interview, these people are given preference over others. People usually come for an interview during a Hajj or Umrah trip, however please note, there is no guarantee that you will be seen during the period that you are in Saudi.


How many applications does the university receive and how many are successful?

The amount of applications and acceptances vary from country to country and year to year. However, in countries that have a high volume of applications, it is common for approximately 25% of applicants to be accepted.


Who is accepted and who is rejected?

No one is guaranteed acceptance, even if they adequately fulfil all of the requirements.

The university bases its decisions on a set of criteria, however fulfilment of all of these criteria does not guarantee acceptance. Some of the criteria are:

  1. People who come in person for an interview are preferred.
  2. Preference is given to those who have a history of high academic achievement.
  3. Preference is given to those whom are from a city or place with little to no existing students.
  4. Preference is given to those who have strong references.
  5. Preference is given to the indigenous population of the country. Please note, many students who are not indigenous to their country of residence are accepted each year - do not let this point turn you off applying.

Also note, the ratio of applicants to accepted students varies based on the number of applicants during the year. If you find yourself lacking in one or another of the above criteria, then try to improve your standing in the other criteria.


How can I improve my chances of acceptance?

By attaining strong references for your application, learning some Arabic, improving your recitation of the Quran and seeking knowledge within your current locale. Also coming in person for an interview increases your chances, however, once again, there is no guarantee that you will be accepted.


I have done some prior studies in Arabic, Quran and/or Islamic Studies, will this help my chances?

Yes, please include any certificates you attained through these studies with your application, so The Islamic University can assess them.


Can I apply a year or so before I am ready?

No, you should apply for the year in which you will be ready to start studies.


Does The Islamic University of Madinah consider applications from all countries?

Yes, the university currently has an extremely multi-cultural student body, and accepts students from all countries.


How can I get help from someone from my country?

Please email your name, country and any details to The Islamic University of Madinah, and an effort will be made to get you in contact with someone from your country.

For Australian students, please contact our student representative on Facebook.


What should be considered before applying?

Please take into consideration the following points before applying to The Islamic University:

  • The study load at the University can be quite high and challenging.
  • You will be away from your family and friends for many months at a time.
  • You will be living in a new country, in which you will find many changes in culture, weather, language, standard of living and many other aspects which may affect your stay. It is highly recommended that you study up on Saudi Arabia before you apply, or better yet, come and visit Madinah yourself.
  • It may be a good idea to get in contact with some current or past students from your country before applying.


How do I know if The Islamic University of Madinah is good for me?

Try to get a hold of as much information about The Islamic University as you can by looking through the university website, by getting in touch with students from your country and even perhaps visiting the university and Madinah through a Hajj/Umrah trip. And finally, remember to do Istikharah.

FAQ - Progress of Application

# Question Answer Notes

How do I check the progress of my application?

Electronic applications can be checked by logging in here.

You can also check the link at the top of the page for the accepted students link. (However this is a public list, and if you can find out a few weeks or even a month earlier by checking the progress of your application.)

Be sure to check often, especially before, during and after Ramadan. Applicants can be accepted mid-year as well, so be sure to check before, during and after Rabi Al-Thani. (of course there is a possibility of getting accepted between these times, so check back a couple times a month, but pay special attention to these months.)


When will I find out if I have been accepted or not?

The list of accepted students is usually released during July, however it is also common for names to be released in batches (not at the same time), and for the process to be delayed (i.e. check back often after June, just in case.)

Do Not rely on July every year as the university tends to operate on the Hijri Calendar. Check back a couple of times every month.


Why have I been rejected?

The Islamic University of Madinah has no obligations to accept any student, regardless of how well they fit into the criteria of acceptance.

It is possible that you did not meet the requirements of acceptance, or perhaps that there were more deserving applicants, or some other reason.

If you have been rejected this year, there is nothing to stop you from applying again. May Allah help you on your path to seeking knowledge.


Where can I find the list of accepted students to The Islamic University?

Electronic applications can check their application progress to see if they are accepted.

Alternatively, you can look at the accepted students list at the top of the page to see the list of publicly announced names of accepted students.

FAQ - Cost of Study

# Question Answer Notes

How much does it cost to study at The Islamic University?

Students who are accepted to The Islamic University of Madinah do not need to pay for tuition fees, as they are free. The Islamic University also provides free accommodation and a free plane ticket to the capital city of your country each year. Students who are accepted and enrolled in the university also receive a monthly allowance of around 840 SAR per month.

It is recommended however, that you save before being accepted to The University as you may need to pay for the cost of visas and other fees to get to the university.

Please note, that for the first month or two after arriving at the university, you will not be receiving this bursary as you will still be entering their system. You will receive the money after this period (the amount counting from the moment you enrol in the university) - however, during the initial month or two, you will need a small amount of money, if only enough for the mess-hall food (90 riyals a month)- see home page for more details.


Can I apply if I don't have much money?

The Islamic University of Madinah pays for everything an accepted student needs. The only money you will need is enough to complete the acceptance procedures within your country. The University will also provide you with a monthly allowance of around 840SAR a month.

Please note, that for the first month or two after arriving at the university, you will not be receiving this allowance as you will still be entering their system. You will receive the money after this period (the amount counting from the moment you enrol in the university) - however, during the initial month or two, you will need a small amount of money, if only enough for the mess-hall food (90 riyals a month)- see home page for more details.

FAQ - The Interview & Applying in Person

# Question Answer Notes

What is asked during the interview?

Don't stress too much about the interview as it is usually relaxed. You are usually asked some general questions about Islam, as well as asked to recite from what you know of the Quran. The interview is there to get to know you.



When should I come for an interview?

The interview office is open throughout the year, except at public holiday times, such as the last 10 days of Ramadhaan and 10 days after Eid-ul-Fitr, and 10 days at Hajj time.

However, there are certain times during which the office can be very busy, such as the middle ten days of Ramadhaan and the time during which Saudi Arabian students are accepted.

Note that the university cannot guarantee that you will be seen for an interview, no matter when you come.

Students are recommended to contact the university if in doubt.

Note that the weekend in Saudi Arabia is Friday and Saturday, so the university is closed on both days throughout the year. Also note that the university is normally open in the morning from around 8am until around 1pm.


Is the Interview office open during Hajj?

Yes you can come for an interview during Hajj time, in shaa Allah, but you need to be aware that the university is closed for about a week to ten days during the actual Hajj itself.

Students are recommended to contact the university if in doubt.

Please note, no guarantees are made with regards to being seen for an interview.


What language is spoken during the interview?

It is possible that there may be an Interviewer who speaks your language, however it is highly recommended to bring along with you a translator if you are not able to speak Arabic.

Do not rely on the interviewer speaking a language other than Arabic. Be sure to try and find a student from your country or another person to come and translate for you.


What do I need to bring when applying in person?

Bring any original documents you have, as outlined on the university website requirements, along with a photocopy of your visa (your Hajj or Umrah visa).

Also bring some passport-sized photos and copies of your original documents. Do not let the university staff take your original documents.

FAQ - References

# Question Answer Notes

What goes in a letter of recommendation and who should I get them from?

A letter of recommendation is a testament from the recommender that the student applying is a suitable candidate to The Islamic University.

References can be obtained from two types of people:

  1. Personalities well known enough that The University admissions board knows of them. (Islamic Personalities)
  2. Reliable individuals in a position of authority – people whose names are not known to the university but their position gives them some kind of authority, such as the head of a local Islamic institution.

You may also get a reference from a current or graduate student from The Islamic University if you wish.


What goes in a reference letter?

Any reference letters should be separate from each other and addressed in the from of a letter to The Islamic University. The reference letter should be in Arabic.

Every reference is individual to the student who it is written for. However, a lot of the strength of the reference is based on the detail which the referee is able to write and the strength with which they recommend a student. It is important that the referee mentions what they know about your suitability as a student, including that which relates to your desire to learn, as well as manners, religious observance, and correct Islamic belief.


How important are references?

References definitely play a role in being accepted, however they are not the only source of information that is relied upon. Your prior studies and other important factors are also taken into consideration.


How many references can I submit?

You may submit as many references as you want In Sha Allah, but please note, it is their quality and not the quantity that is assessed.


Do I need a testimony of conduct along with the letters of reference?

It is not compulsory if one of the reference letters already contains information about the conduct of the individual, however it is still recommended to include in your application>?


What goes in a testimony of character?


Try to include present and past behaviour and how the individual treats others.


Can I get a reference from a non-Muslim person or institution?

There is no objection to getting a reference from a non-Muslim person or institution, however The Islamic University of Madinah will not usually accept a formal reference from such a person or institution.


Where can I get a reference from?

Try and start with your local Masjid or Islamic institution. You can try to find out about Islamic conferences running in your area and see if one of the speakers can help you. You can also try to get in contact with current or graduate students from The Islamic University within your country as they may be able to assist you.

FAQ - Quran Memorisation

# Question Answer Notes

How much Quran should I know before I start?

There is no restriction upon how much Quran a student needs to know prior to commencing study. However, the student should be able to proficiently read the Quran.


How much Quran do you learn per semester / term?

If you begin with the Arabic language course, you will be required to learn the last Juz (Juz Ama) over the course of two years.

Once you enter the faculty, you will be required to learn 2.5 Juz per year.

Students often try to memorise the Quran from a sheikh within one of the mosques on the university campus or from a sheikh in Masjid Al-Nabawi as extra-curricular studies.


Will I be taught to read the Quran with Tajweed?

You will not receive much lessons on how to read the Quran with tajweed, however you may try to learn tajweed from one of the many sheiks available within the campus mosques or in masjid-al-nabawi.

FAQ - Arabic Language

# Question Answer Notes

How much Arabic should I know before I begin studies?

There is no restriction on how much Arabic should be known before beginning studies at The Islamic University. The University offers a 2 year course in Arabic prior to entering the faculties for those students who feel they are not ready for studies in Arabic.

Try to learn the basics of the language before you come, as even the Arabic language course is taught in almost nothing but Arabic. It will be a difficult start if you do not at least know some basics.


What should I tick on the application form if I know some Arabic?

The following are approximate guidelines:

If your Arabic is fluent, then you can tick ‘excellent’. If you have learnt a reasonable amount of Arabic, to the point where you can hold a conversation and read a simple book, you can tick ‘good’.

If you have only studied a little Arabic, or none at all, then tick ‘poor’.


I already know some Arabic, will I still be placed in the Arabic language course, or can I enter the faculties immediately?

You will automatically be considered for the Arabic language course prior to being placed in any faculty. You will be assessed as to whether you require the course or not.

If you are fluent in Arabic, you can skip straight into the faculties. If you Arabic is good but not excellent, you may be able to skip into a later stage of the Arabic language course, thus decreasing the amount of time you spend there. If you are weak in Arabic, then you will be required to take the course from the beginning.


Should I study Arabic before coming to The Islamic University of Madinah?

It is always recommended to try and study some Arabic before you apply to The University, and even more so if you accepted. Studying Arabic prior to coming to The Islamic University will also help ease your transition into the environment.


Can I get the Arabic language course books?


Note - you are able to obtain the PDF versions on-line from multiple sites, including this one soon inshaAllah. Search for Madinah Arabic.


If I am enrolled in The Islamic University's Arabic programme, am I guaranteed a place in the Faculties?

In general, all students who pass the Arabic language course are guaranteed a place in the faculties, however it may not be your faculty of choice.

FAQ - Required Documents

# Question Answer Notes

What documents are needed to apply to The Islamic University?

See the required documents on the university website.

This information is also available in the Prospective Students section of this website.


I don't have some of the required documents. Can I still apply?

It all depends on what documents are missing. There are some documents that are essential to an application, whereas others can be added later or even overlooked entirely.

In case of doubt, please contact the university.


Do I need to translate all my documents to Arabic before applying to The Islamic University of Madinah?

Yes, all required documents must be translated to Arabic. Please note, it is not essential to have the documents translated by a professional company, rather anyone who is able to fluently read and write Arabic can translate the documents for you. It is recommended to get them stamped at a recognised institution like an Islamic centre, however if this is not possible, then it can be overlooked.

In case of any difficulties, please contact the university.


I want to add some documents to my application. Can I still add them?

It is normally possible to add documents to your application as long as the window for adding documents is available on your on-line application.

In case of any difficulties, please contact the university.

You can modify and add to many parts of your on-line application while it still open. The period in which it is open is typically 10 days - however this has been known to be waived for some western students, and Allah knows best.


I have a university or post-graduate degree, but I notice that the requirements only talk about GCSEs/A-Levels. Should I include my degree certificate or just my G.C.S.E/A-level/High school certificate?


I do not see any harm in doing so, as the university usually takes into consideration study done after high school, and Allah knows best.


Do I need my papers stamped by my countries' foreign office / state office?

Please to not go through a lot of trouble at this stage of the application. If you are accepted, you will then be required to then go and get any required documents stamped, etc. However these things are not required before you are accepted.


What medical checks do I need before I apply?

You only need to have a simple letter from a doctor stating that you are in good general health.


My passport is from a different country to my country of residence. Is this a problem?

No, this is not necessarily a problem. However, please make sure that you fill in the application form accurately.


Do I need to get permission from my government to study at The Islamic University of Madinah?

You don’t need permission from the government of your country until after you are accepted in the university. Check the answer to this question for more details.


Do I apply with copies or original certificates?

If you come for an interview, please bring both photocopies and the original documents.

FAQ - Start of Study

# Question Answer Notes

When do studies at The Islamic University of Madinah commence?

The exact date for the start of study differs from year to year. At the moment it is around the beginning of October.

The university operates on the Hijri calendar - thus, study typically begins in Dhu Al-Qa'da, which is why the date keeps changing in the Gregorian calendar, and Allah knows best.


Can I delay my studies?


It is possible to delay a semester of studies from the university itself - however this is not recommended. Please contact The University for clarification.

FAQ - GCSE/A-Level/High School Diploma

# Question Answer Notes

Can I apply to The Islamic University's High school if I don't have any GCSE's?



What should my grades be like to apply to The Islamic University?

There are no restrictions when it comes to grades, however, your application will be judged alongside other students from your country and thus your grades compared to theirs will be considered. However there are many other factors that are taken into consideration.


More than 5 years has passed since I finished school / got my grades, can I still apply to The Islamic University of Madinah?

In most cases The Islamic University of Madinah will not accept an application where more than 5 years has passed from when the individual got their grades. However in exceptional cases this may be overlooked, although it will require special permission from The University management.

It is recommended to make it clear on your application that you have pursued studies after attaining your school grades (eg. you studied at university), as this may impact on your application, and Allah knows best.


I don't want to go to High School in my country. What can I do?

- unanswered -

The original answer asked to proceed to a dead link for a proper response. Thus it has been marked, unanswered.


I don't have a High School certificate or a GSCE, can I still apply?

Please see the missing requirements FAQ section below.


Some countries have A-levels, 2 years between secondary education and university. Are they considered part of the High School qualification?

A-levels are considered as part of the GCSE/High School qualification. You do not have to have them, but if you do they are accepted as part of your High School education.

FAQ - Missing Requirements

# Question Answer Notes

I’m over the age limit of 25. Can I still apply?

In general, the university does not accept students who are over 25. In exceptional circumstances, the university may be able to accept a student who is slightly over 25, however this requires special permission from the university management.

For this case, I would recommend packing your application with as many additional education and reference documents as possible, so that your application will be appealing even though you are over the age limit, and Allah knows best.


I still haven't finished / received my High School / GSCE grades, can I apply from now anyway?

- unanswered -


I'm missing either my transcript of grades or my certificate. What should I do?

If you have both the transcript and certificate, then include both of them in your application. Some certificates also contain the grades, in which case, the transcript is not needed. In any other case, just submit what you have and try to add the rest later.

FAQ - Other Courses and Universities

# Question Answer Notes

What paid courses are offered by The Islamic University of Madinah?

- unanswered -

I am unaware of any paid Islamic courses at the university. All Islamic places are granted on scholarship, however there may be a paid Arabic course, similar to the 2 year Arabic course undertaken by new students, however I have not confirmed this, and Allah knows best.


What Higher Education courses are offered and what are the requirements for entry? Can I enter into Masters without having studied at the university?

- unanswered -


Am I guaranteed a place in the Masters programme once I complete my Bachelors degree?

No, you must complete a fresh application for a masters degree at The Islamic University, and the places are limited, with students having to compete against one another for a place.


What classes are available outside of the university?

There are many classes available outside of the university, both those which are organized by the university, and those which are organized by other educational institutions and organizations. There are regular classes in the Prophet’s Mosque on a wide variety of subjects, and many of the university’s students attend.


Is it possible to come to Madinah to study for a few months without applying for the full course?

The Islamic University of Madinah does not provide any temporary facilities for those who wish to study outside of the university.


Are there other universities that offer Islamic Studies courses?

- unanswered -

There are other universities, one of which comes to mind is Umm Al Qura in Makkah.

FAQ - Ways of Applying

Most elements from this list have been removed, as they have been phased out.
# Question Answer Notes

Can I apply electronically?

Yes, please see the university’s electronic application service.

If the aforementioned link does not work, please try this link instead.

FAQ - Sisters

# Question Answer Notes

Can Women apply to The Islamic University of Madinah?

As of yet, there are no facilities for women.

This may change in the near future In Sha Allah, and Allah knows best.


Is it true that The Islamic University of Madinah is planning to open a women's department?

Yes, the university has sought and been given permission to open a women’s department. There is currently no time-scale for how long this will take to be completed.

This question was asked again recently by The information they obtained is that the Islamic University has finalised everything regarding opening a Sisters college and all that is left is to find a suitable building to rent or place to build one. The campus of the Islamic University is male only, so the Women's section has to be off-campus.

Information current as of at 11-09-2014.

FAQ - Married Students

# Question Answer Notes

Are there any facilities for married students at The Islamic University?

Officially there are no facilities for married students unless they reach masters level. There are however facilities in other universities in Saudi Arabia such as Umm Al-Qura in Makkah.


I am married, does this mean I wont be accepted into The Islamic University of Madinah?

No, it does not harm your chances at all. However, you must be aware that the university does not provide facilities or housing. Therefore, you must be prepared to stay away from your family for the majority of your course.

Please note, residency permits for student's wife's are currently officially issued once the student completes the first year of Faculty (does not include the Arabic pre-faculty course). There are some special cases where residency permits are issued before this time, but you need to apply for special consideration, and then there is no guarantee that your application will be successful.

If you are successful however, you need to supply a deposit of 10,000SAR to the university and provide a signed rent contract, to prove you have successfully rented a place. After these steps you should In Sha Allah receive a residency permit for your wife, and Allah knows best.

FAQ - Contacting the University

# Question Answer Notes

How can I get in touch with the university?

Administration contact numbers:

  1. Arabic Operator: 570148
  2. English Operator: 570022
  3. Central: 8474080 / 8474402 / 8470131 / 8471058 / 8476113 / 8475045
  4. Fax: 8474560
  5. P.O.Box: 170

Public Relations contact numbers:

  1. Principal: 8474209
  2. Fax: 8610462

IT Department Contact:

  1. Dean of IT: 04 8471856
  2. Fax: 04 8460334

Registration Department numbers:

  1. Dean: 8470911
  2. Vice Dean: 8471884

Email Addresses:

  1. Principal of The University:
  2. Vice Principal of The University:
  3. Vice Principal of Student Affairs:
  4. Vice Principal of University Development:
  5. Dean of Quran Faculty:
  6. Dean of Hadith Faculty:
  7. Dean of Sharia Faculty:
  8. Dean of Dawah Faculty:
  9. Dean of Arabic Faculty:
  10. Dean of IT:
  11. Dean of Registration:
  12. Dean of Student Affairs:
  13. Dean of Higher Education:
  14. Dean of Research:
  15. Dean of Libraries and manuscripts:
  16. Dean of Quality and academic accreditation:
  17. Dean of IT Faculty:
  18. Dean of Science Faculty:

To call into the country, please use dialling code +966 or its equivalent: 0011966.

To call landlines, you need to add a further prefix after the country code, to reach the university in Madinah you will need to add 14 after the country code and before the land line number.

example: to call from another country into Madinah Saudi Arabia you dial 001196614 then add the number of the land line. The system is different for calling mobiles.

An example of a call to the Registration department number would be: 0011966148470911.

FAQ - Application Form

# Question Answer Notes

Where and how can I apply / get an application form?

The application form is now completely electronic. Please head over to the university website to apply. Links available on the Prospective Students section of this website.


Do I need to write my address in Arabic?

- unanswered -


How do I write my name on the Application form if it doesn't use the four name system?

Write your name exactly as it appears on your passport. Do not add any other names if they do not appear on your passport or other important documents.


What is my 'original nationality'

- unanswered -

FAQ - Living in Madinah

# Question Answer Notes

What is living on campus like??

Pictures of the university, including the living accommodation can be found here. Students are required to share a room with between one and three other people.


How much money will I need each year?

Such a question depends on the quality of life the student expects to live, and thus cannot be answered. Keep in mind however, that The Islamic University provides free living accommodation, a free plane ticket once a year, and monthly allowance of around 840 SAR. The university also provides discounted meals. If you have special requirements, or are used to a certain standard of living, you may need some money of your own. It is best to speak with a student from your country, who can give you more information.


What is the study load like?

The students week is generally 25 hours or less, with morning classes running from 7:30am to 12:30pm. There are not many free periods in the faculties, with their average time on campus being 22 hours a week.

This does not include the work which needs to be completed outside of class. Students also often head down to The Prophet's Mosque to pursue extra-curricular studies there.

FAQ - Age

# Question Answer Notes

I’m 25 this year. Can I still apply?

Yes, you can still apply.

Also see section titled: 'Missing Requirements'

FAQ - About the Islamic University’s Qualification

# Question Answer Notes

What do I do once I graduate?

The amount of paths you can take post-graduation are quite numerous. You may pursue further education, go into teaching, to spread the knowledge you gained and many other things. It is recommended you get in contact with a graduate student from your country who can help give you an idea of what to do after you graduate.


What does each faculty have to offer?

A light description is available on our homepage.

You can also find the syllabus of each faculty here.

FAQ - During Study

# Question Answer Notes

Can I defer semester / term?

While it is possible to apply to take a semester off, it must be done with a valid reason and it is advised that the system should be used with caution, as a large number of students who apply for this end up not returning.

FAQ - After being Accepted

# Question Answer Notes

I've been accepted, now what?

Please head to the university website to see a list of steps. The steps are listed next to your name on the public acceptance list. CLick the "Details" button. You may also wish to contact a current student from your country for help.

For Australian students, the procedures can also be found on the Accepted Students page of this website.


What do I do if I have problems after being accepted?

Please contact the university ASAP. Contact details for The Islamic University of Madinah can be found here: 'Contact Information'. You should also try to contact a student from your country to help with the procedures.

The Australian Students have a Facebook page where these kind of questions can be discussed.


I want to come later than the date mentioned on the acceptance letter. Is this allowed?

We do not advise students to delay and the university reserves the right to refuse to accept students who arrive late. If you have an important reason, please 'contact The University' and let us know.


What is the letter of permission which is required from the student’s government? How should a student go about obtaining one?

After a student is accepted, the university requires a letter from a member of the student’s government giving them permission to study in the Islamic University. Some governments have a designated official or department who can do this. If you are in doubt, please contact a student from your country.

To the best of my knowledge, this step has been phased out, and Allah knows best.


When will my letter arrive if I have been told that I have been accepted?

Letters will no longer arrive in the mail. Everything is done on-line.

Australian students please follow the steps outlined on the Accepted Students page.


I do not live in the capital city of my country. Do I have to travel there to complete the procedures?

Yes, it is normally required for you to travel to the nearest Saudi Arabian embassy. Also note that the university only provides tickets from the capital city of each country. Transport to the capital city is the responsibility of the student.

This also holds true for holiday return tickets. Students are given a ticket to Sydney, which is considered the capital of Australia by the university. The student then has to make their own way back to their respective cities themselves and at their own cost.

With regards to having documents stamped at the Saudi Arabian Embassy, Australians now only deal with VFSTasheel for the visa process and the Saudi Arabian Cultural mission, i.e. you should not need anything from the embassy, and Allah knows best.

FAQ - I still have questions

# Question Answer Notes

I've gone through the F.A.Q and still have questions, now what?

Australian students who have gone through this page and the rest of the website, and still cant find an answer to their question, you may contact the Australian Students in The Islamic University of Madinah through our Facebook page.

For any other nationalities, until a better method is devised, you may try to contact us at:

If you wish to speak to a representative from The Islamic University itself, then please find their contact details here.

We will try to start a forum on this website, to help with any other questions In Sha Allah.